Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Drywall is up!

The drywall is in so it's starting to look like something other than a basement! Here's a picture showing my Goldendoodle peeking down the stairs. Her name's Mollie and she seems to be afriad of the basement. No doubt because of all the strange and loud noises that've been coming from down there the past several weeks. So what's a Goldendoodle you might be asking? It's a mutt. They call them a hybrid but all that really means is an expensive mutt. She's half Golden Retriever and half Standard Poodle. Now poodles seem to be excellent dogs. They are the smartest breed, they don't shed, and they are great with children. The only problem with poodles is, THEY'RE A FREAKIN POODLE! I mean who the hell wants a poodle? I can't say the word without images of pomp pomps and pink bows popping into my head. So since no one seems to want poodles they bred them with other dogs and get a dog like Mollie. Basically she looks like a shaggy Golden. She's smart, protective, great with all my kids and best of all, she doesn't shed. Anyway less talk about designer dogs and more talk about the Man Fort. The next pics show the theater room. Here's the entrance with the box cut out for the projector in the tray ceiling. To the left and right are the false columns. The door way will be 2, 2.5' converging pocket doors. When we're watching a movie we can close them and get that dedicated theater feeling but when it's time to entertain they can be opened up to make it part of the bar area for watching the big game. The doors are big enough so that the entire 106" screen is viewable from the bar when they're opened.
The round gang boxes are for sconces and the other holes are for the in-wall speakers. All the lighting it the theater is on dimmers which is a problem since I just noticed the sconces I bought are compact florecents. Which apparently you cannot dim. So back to the Home Depot to get replacements. The entire basement was drywalled in one day. Two guys worked their asses off from 9am to 11pm hanging 120 12' sheets of drywall. I don't know if you've try to DIY but it's hard work. These guys really busted their asses to get it done. I didn't even mind the Mariachi blasting for the 15 hours they were there. The mud however takes quite a bit longer. Today they are on day 5 of finishing/sanding. so I figure I should be able to start painting this weekend. Once the first coat of paint is on next comes the tile around the bar. The bar itself is looking like a July/August delivery.

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